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What Is Best for Rosacea? Treatments at a Dermatology Office

Nov 11, 2021
What Is Best for Rosacea? Treatments at a Dermatology Office
Rosacea is a very common chronic skin condition that causes facial redness, sensitivity, bumps. Often mistaken for sunburn, rosacea can have an impact on one’s self-confidence. In turn, patients often wonder what is best for rosacea in terms of treatments.

Rosacea is a very common chronic skin condition that causes facial redness, sensitivity and bumps. Often mistaken for sunburn, rosacea can have an impact on one’s self-confidence. In turn, patients often wonder what is best for rosacea in terms of treatments. Much like acne, rosacea requires individualized, strategic treatment, which is why it’s key to visit a dermatology office to get the best possible results. 

What Is Best for Rosacea? Treatments at a Dermatology Office

At Kessel Dermatology, we offer a range of advanced treatments that can help get rosacea under control. Therapies provided by our medical and cosmetic dermatology professionals include:

  • ExcelV+™ laser therapy – This powerful laser system allows your dermatology provider to precisely target areas affected by rosacea. Customizable wavelengths of excelV+™ laser energy heat the pigment in fine blood vessels until they are sealed, thus reducing facial discoloration.
  • IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy – IPL is a versatile kind of phototherapy with proven efficacy in resolving facial redness associated with rosacea, without harming surrounding healthy skin.
  • Topical and oral medications – Topical creams and ointments applied to the face can help to promote smoother skin and decrease the appearance and severity of blemishes. Oral medications may also be prescribed to help reduce inflammation and clear the skin.
  • Electrosurgery – Similar to laser therapy, electrosurgery diminishes broken blood vessels to reveal more evenly toned skin.

As you can see, these various approaches work in different ways to help clear up rosacea patches and restore an even texture and tone to the skin. Depending on your unique case, the severity of your symptoms and your treatment progress, combining treatments may be recommended to achieve maximum improvement in your skin.

Create an Effective, Personalized Rosacea Treatment Plan with Our Experts 

If you are struggling with rosacea, the good news is there are numerous treatments available to help you manage it. At Kessel Dermatology, our experienced practitioners know what is best for rosacea, and we are dedicated to helping every patient get the results they desire. To schedule a consultation with one of our skin specialists, call our Hamilton Square, NJ office at 609-890-2600.